Religious Freedom Coalition

In Texas, where a multitude of faith traditions thrive, the demand for a unified voice to protect religious freedoms and advocate for the unique needs of each community has never been more crucial. Recognizing the strength of collaboration, this coalition will bring together members o different faith communities to foster dialogue, propose policy recommendations, and ensure that the voices of all faith communities are heard and respected.

In the 88th Legislative session, we were able to successfully work together and advocate for the following policies reflecting the needs of our communities:

  • The passing of House Bill No. 1883 amended the schedule for administering assessment instruments in Texas schools. The amendment ensures that assessment instruments are not administered on the first instructional day of a week or on religious holy days of various faiths, including All Saints Day, Christmas, Diwali, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Vaisakhi, Vesak, and Yom Kippur.
  • The amendment to Section 25.087 of the Education Code in regards to excusing absences from public school for observing religious holidays. House Bill 1212 required school districts to accept absent notes from a student’s parent or guardian to verify an absence for a religious holiday rather than requiring documentation from a clergy or religious leader.


  • Participate in 30-minute monthly virtual discussions regarding religious freedom policy.
  • Work together to develop policy recommendations that address different faith communities’ specific needs and concerns.
  • With consideration to time, attend, testify, and participate in legislative hearings and press conferences for bills related to religious freedom.
  • Provide testimony, when possible, to inform policymakers about the impact of legislation on various faith communities.
  • Assist in amplifying agreed-upon policy measures, such as sharing information and updates with faith communities and promoting the coalition’s stance through various channels.


  • Members must belong to an established non-partisan faith-based organization in Texas representing a congregation.


Who can join the Religious Freedom Coalition?

Clergy and individuals representing established faith organizations and communities within the state are welcome to join. We value all inter-faith communities and seek individuals committed to fostering collaboration and advocating for religious freedom.

Which faiths does the Religious Freedom Coalition represent?

The Religious Freedom Coalition represents all faiths. This includes, but is not limited to, Christian denominations, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and other recognized religious groups. We aim to create an inclusive platform that embraces the perspectives and contributions of various faith communities.

What issues does the Coalition address?

The Religious Freedom Coalition of Texas is dedicated to promoting and safeguarding religious freedom within the state. We address a range of issues related to religious liberty, including:

  • Advocating for policies that protect the right to freely practice and express one’s religion without discrimination or undue hardship.
  • Collaborating on legislative efforts that ensure religious holidays are respected and accommodated in public institutions.
  • Working to develop policy recommendations that address various faith communities’ specific needs and concerns.
  • Participating in legislative hearings and press conferences to voice the coalition’s stance on bills concerning religious freedom.

We focus on creating a unified voice that amplifies the concerns of various faith traditions and advances policies that uphold the principles of religious freedom for all.

How often does the Coalition hold virtual discussions and meetings?

The coalition hosts monthly 30-minute virtual discussions that provide members with an opportunity to engage in dialogue about religious freedom policies, share insights, and contribute to the development of policy recommendations.

Is the Coalition affiliated with any specific political or religious group?

No, the Religious Freedom Coalition of Texas is a non-partisan and non-denominational initiative. Our focus is solely on advocating for religious freedom and addressing the unique needs of various faith communities in Texas, without alignment to any specific political or religious group.

How are policy recommendations developed within the Coalition?

Policy recommendations are developed collaboratively by members of the coalition through dialogue and consideration of the unique needs and concerns of each faith community. These recommendations are aimed at addressing legislative and policy issues related to religious freedom locally and statewide.

Join The Religious Freedom Coalition

Are you interested in joining the Religious Freedom Coalition? Please fill out the form below; we’ll contact you shortly. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email Fatima Shah at or call us at (281) 401-9229.