Child Welfare Committee Member Feature

March Featured Committee Member: Saami Baig

Raha Jafari, our Outreach and Program Manager, sat down with Saami Baig of our of the Child Welfare Public Policy Committee.

Meet Saami Baig: A Young Visionary Bridging Faith and Activism

In the heart of Houston, young leaders like Saami Baig are stepping forward to make a meaningful impact on their community. As the Co-Executive Director of March For Our Lives Houston and a senior at John Cooper, soon to be an incoming freshman at Rice University, Saami embodies the spirit of activism and passion for change.

Finding a Calling with Minaret Foundation

Saami’s decision to be part of the Minaret Foundation was inspired by the organization’s innovative approach to addressing societal issues. “I was drawn to how they focus on engaging through religious institutions and fostering interfaith collaboration,” Saami explains. This method resonates with him because it tackles the foundational aspects of community—connection, and stability—which are crucial yet often overlooked in the discourse on gun violence prevention.

By working with Minaret Foundation, Saami sees an opportunity to enhance community safety and understanding by strengthening the bonds that tie them together, regardless of faith. “It’s about taking on initiatives that not only involve people in religious communities but also encourage interfaith bonding,” he says, highlighting the importance of unity in diversity.

Envisioning Change Through Inclusivity and Policy

Saami is determined to make a difference by amplifying frequently marginalized voices. “Whether it be youth or minorities, I believe everyone should have the means and opportunities to engage with their government and political spaces,” he states. His goal is to ensure that more effective policies are crafted by considering a wider range of perspectives, thereby enriching the democratic process.

A Glimpse Into Saami’s World

Saami’s responses offer a glimpse into his personality when asked about his favorite food, movie and hobby. His favorite food, Chicken Karahi, hints at a love for rich, flavorful dishes. His choice of movie, “Everything Everywhere All at Once,” suggests an appreciation for complex and deeply human storytelling. Photography, his favorite hobby, underscores his desire to capture and share the beauty of the world around him.

A Future Shaped by Passion and Purpose

Saami Baig’s vision for his community is one of unity, understanding, and active engagement. Through his work with March For Our Lives Houston and the Minaret Foundation, he is not just dreaming of a better world but taking concrete steps towards creating it. Saami represents a new generation of leaders who understand the power of faith and community in driving positive change. As he moves forward, both in his education and his activism, there’s no doubt that Saami will continue to inspire those around him to join in his efforts to make the world a safer, more inclusive place.

Thank you, Saami, for your involvement with Minaret Foundation and for dedicating your time to serve on the Child Welfare Public Policy Committee!

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